Welcome to the MSA!

Dance courses take place every Wednesday – beginners and experienced dancers welcome!
If you are coming to us for the first time, please contact us by e-mail or telephone beforehand.

Two Ceilidhs in August 2024

On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, a ceilidh led by Alex will take place in the Olympic Village from 19:15 to 20:15. It is part of the „Tanzen im Dorf“ series of events organized by the Olympiadorf cultural association. If the sun is shining, there will be dancing in the amphitheater at forum1 and in front of forum2 if it is raining. This is below the Nadischule in the Olympic Village, Nadistraße 3, 80809 Munich.

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, from 19:15 to 20:15, another ceilidh led by Alex will take place in the Ostpark. It is part of the event series „Tanzen im Park“ organized by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich. Dancing takes place in the Ostpark on the gymnastics meadow by the lake.

Both ceilidhs are free and open to all, making them ideal for showing friends the Scottish dance feeling.

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End of Season Dance 6 July 2024

On Saturday 6 July, we’re holding our End-of-Season Dance. From 7pm (admission from 6.30pm) in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church in the Olympiazentrum (opposite our Wednesday hall in the same building) you’ll be able to take part in a selection of enjoyable dances to good music. Please bring a contribution for the buffet. All the dances will be walked through once. If you want a bit of extra practice, there’ll be a walkthrough session from 4.30pm. We’re also doing the dances at our evening classes, so you’ll be well prepared if you come regularly on Wednesdays. Flyer including the list of dances for download: Flyer. The programme can also be found at https://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/49558/

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Annual General Meeting 3 July 2024

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place at 7:30 pm on 3 July 2024 in der Oly. We will review the previous season, elect a new committee and debate your suggestions. There won’t be any dancing, but a snack will be provided afterwards. Non-members are welcome, too (not entitled to vote).

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Uni-Ceilidh 19 June 2024

The ceilidh with the Anglistic-students has been postponed to 7pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024. Venue: ex university-library Schellingstraße 3, Room 151RG. Flyer for download: Flyer. On 12 June the dance class takes place as usual in the Oly.

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Calendar of events season 2023/24

13 September 2023Opening of the 2023/24 dancing season
14 September 2023First advanced dance class (Pelkovenschlössl)
Thursday-Classes (advanced): 28 Sep, 12 Oct, 26 Oct, 9 Nov, 23 Nov, 7 Dec
1 November 2023no dancing (Allerheiligen)
18 November 2023 Ceilidh Scotland meets Bavaria (Hirschgarten)
20 December 2023 7.30pm MSA-Xmas Party (Oly-Dorf)
10 January 2024 First dance class after the Christmas break
Thursday-Classes (advanced): 18 Jan, 1 Feb, 15 Feb, 29 Feb, 14 Mar, 28 Mar, 11 Apr,
25 Apr, 23 May, 6 Jun, 20 Jun, 4 Jul, 18 Jul 2024
27 January 2024Intermediate Course
Burns Dance in the Gemeindezentrum Olympiadorf
14 February 2024Ash Wednesday dance class and meal
17 March 2024St Patrick’s Day Parade (Leopoldstraße)
27+28 March 20248pm – we dance on both Wed+Thu before Easter!
1 May and 9 May 2024no dance classes (May Day & Ascension)
19 June 2024 (12 June)7 pm – Ceilidh with university students
Schellingstraße 3, room 151 (ex-libraray)
3 July 2024Annual General Meeting
6 July 2024End of Season Dance
30 November 2024Ceilidh – 70 years of town twinning with Edinburgh
6 – 9 June 2025Whitsun Dance Course, Salesianum

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Burns Dance and Day School on 27 January 2024

Burns Dance and Day School on 27 January 2024

Venue: Parish Hall of the Catholic Church, Olympiazentrum, Helene-Mayer-Ring 25, München

A Burns Workshop in Scottish Country Dancing will take place from 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday 27 January 2024. The main target group is intermediate-level dancers and dancers with little experience who want to work on their technique or expand their repertoire of figures. We will eat our lunch in a restaurant near by (not included). Teacher: Alex, Musician: Silke, Fee: €15 (members and students: €10) payable at the workshop, registration: email to info[ät]munichscottish.de

On the same evening, we will have our Burns Dance, beginning at 7pm (admission from 6.30pm). Silke and her band will provide the music. The entrance fee is €10 (members and students €7). There’s no need to register but please bring a contribution for the buffet. Dance program: https://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/46149/ Flyer: pdf

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Scotland meets Bavaria – Ceilidh 2023

Scotland meets Bavaria – Ceilidh 2023

The Munich Scottish Association invites you to a Scottish Ceilidh.

when?Saturday 18 November 2023, 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm
where?Stadel of the Wirtshaus Hirschgarten, Hirschgarten 1, 80639 München
what?a real Scottish Ceilidh with Scottish ceilidh dances for everyone, Band Scotfree, bagpipes, quiz, raffle, Whisky, meals à la carte, etc.
tickets15 euros (students/MSA-members 13 euros), at the door +2€.
Update 12 Nov: SOLD OUT
Order your tickets in advance: https://munichscottish.de/ceilidh/

Download our flyer

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On 15 July 2023 at 7pm (doors open at 6.30pm) we’ll have our End of Season Dance in the Pfarrheim St. Rupert, Golierstrasse 61, Munich Westend. Please bring a small contribution for the buffet, if you want to join it, drinks will be offered at reasonable prices. Tickets are available at the door for 12 euros or 10 euros (MSA-members, students).
Further details: Flyer and: list of dances and: Pilling-diagrams

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on 5 July 2023 at 7.30pm in the Oly hall. We look foreward to getting your feedback and suggestions for next season! A new committee will be elected. There won’t be any dancing, but some finger food afterwards.

End of Season? We keep dancing every Wednesday in the Oly. Feel free to suggest your favourite dance or even try calling it if you like. On 6 July is the last Thursday class till September.

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MSA’s 50th Anniversary – Whitsun 2023

MSA's 50th Anniversary - Whitsun 2023

photographs – see photo gallery
dance list Welcome Dance (Friday): Dances Friday – (diagrams Fri.)
dance list Jubilee-Ball (Saturday): Dances Ball – (diagrams Ball)

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Munich Scottish Association – celebrate it with us at our Golden Jubilee Weekend from 26-28 May 2023 at the Salesianum in Munich! On the programme are two morning SCD classes for experienced dancers, a Welcome Dance on Friday evening and our Jubilee Ball on Saturday, including a delicious buffett dinner. Patrick Chamoin will be teaching the classes, our musicians are Susan and Shona MacFayden and Isobelle Hodgson.
Registration for the course will open at noon on Sunday 15 January 2023 (German time): Registration (the course is already fully booked; Ball and Welcome Dance are still available)
The course fee including the two evenings is 170 euro (reduced: 155 euro), the entrance for the Welcome Dance is 10 euro and for the Ball 40 euros (reduced: 8 / 35 euro). Reductions apply to members of the MSA, pupils, students and persons 65.

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Autumn 2022

Autumn 2022
  • MSA-Christmas party at 7:30pm on 14 December in the Oly-Dorf
    please bring a small contribution for the buffet, Glühwein will be supplied
  • Hallowe’en Day School & Social Dance on Saturday 29 October 2022
    Where: Pfarrheim St. Rupert, Gollierstraße 61, 80339 München
    When: Day School 10am to 4pm, Social Dance starts 6:30pm, doors open at 6pm
    Musicians: Silke and Matthias, Teacher: Alex
    Day School for dancers with little experience and as a refresher for experienced dancers
  • Dance Season 2022/23
    Regular dance classes are every Wednesday at 8pm in the Oly starting on 14 September and every second Thursday (odd numbered weeks) at 8pm in the Pelkovenschlössl starting on 15 September.
    Thursday classes: 15 & 29 Sep, 13 & 27 Oct, 10 & 24 Nov, 8 Dec

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